That's Never Been MY Experience

Do me a favor. Click this link, check out the headline, then come back. I'll wait. *taps foot patiently* On the day that he was assigned to write that article, I'm guessing that Lester Haines had a pretty good day at work. No less than three cock puns appear in the article, and anytime you can get paid to make cock puns, well, that's a good day. The gist, if you were too lazy to click the link, is that New Zealand has named their national badminton team the "Black Cocks." Now, they're considering changing it, because the International Badminton Federation doesn't like it. I guess they weren't able to look into the future and predict that any controversy might arise from the term "Black Cocks." If they think they have problems, they should try doing a Google image search for a picture to use with a post like this. NZ finds Black Cocks hard to swallow [The Register]

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